Dustin Hoffman once said something to the like of actors being uncomfortable in their own skin. When one thinks about it, it makes sense. They're constantly in search of roles - becoming someone else - from another time, another place. The select few who make it big this way get material rewards and if they're fortunate, self-actualization. The rest sinks into unknown, probably moving on and finding other ways to channel their desires.
The most essential and universal ingredient of happiness is being comfortable with oneself. Preferably not at the expense of others' happiness.
When years of emotional baggage accumulate and get recycled like frying oil, the taste becomes greasy, oppressive, nauseating. The only way to become free is to dump out the oil and wash the pan clean. Like a clean break, away from the sphere of influence.
The initial conditions determine the particular behavioral schema that tends to perpetuate ad infinitum and recurse until the base case, if it ever reaches there. The boundary conditions affect how the system behaves as its parameters change over time. If the initial conditions were not optimal, the system may still operate normally as long as the boundary conditions were adjusted accordingly... because the initial conditions do not impact the natural and homogeneous behavior of the system.
However, if the boundary conditions were not set properly, then the initial transients may linger on and never die out, forever and ever, and the system would always be limited by its initial conditions. And when the iterating functions do not have the right parameter values, they would spiral inward into the prisoner set.
The only way to escape from the prisoner set is to change the parameters and set the boundary conditions in such a way.
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