I opened the door to the small conference room.
Jokester Grad Student: Speaking of women.
[Chuckles from the group]
Me: Huh? What's going on... Can you recap please?
Jokester: We were talking about how there aren't enough women at Cal Tech.
Me: Oh really. [Facetiously] Like 10%?
[More chuckles]
Male REU Student: 10% [ROFL]
Jokester: More like 28%... I mean, how was it for you?
Me: So the overall is half and half. But some majors are 25%, 15%, and others are like 80%. You can probably guess which ones...
Postdoc: Women's studies?
Jokester: Biology?
Me: Yeah.
Jokester: It's those fuzzy mice.
Me: [Raised eyebrows] And killing them.
[Loud laughter from the group]
Jokester: What does this say about women?!
Me: [Deadpan] Don't mess with them.
[More laughter]
Female REU Student: Well-played.
Me: Har har har.
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