Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Moment of funny.

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About 1.5 hour into the weekly 2-hour AI.../philosophy/psychology/(neuro)biology/math/physics/chemistry/sociology class...

Prof (rather eminent in the field of AI): (After concluding that people have not changed much in intellectual capacity over the last 2000 years or so) Did we run out of questions to ask? Okay, how about... Do you think whether Socrates got in lots of fights?

Me: [Thinking about whether he meant intellectual debates or bar brawls]

A girl with a particularly lilting voice: So I was reading in this magazine for teenage girls about the "rule of 3"... like you can live for 3 minutes without oxygen, 3 hours in extreme weather, 3 days without water, 3 months without any social interaction or love...

[Scattered chuckles from class]

Prof: Hmm, that's interesting... I don't know if there's any experiments on the social interaction one...

Me: Three months? That sounds kinda short. They do stuff like that in prisons...

Prof: I wonder about the three minute one too.

Me: Apparently you can train yourself to hold your breath longer.

Prof: Right, like the pearl divers. They can go down like what, 300 feet? Pretty amazing...

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